As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. (Prov. 27:17 NKJV)
The mission of the Men’s Ministry here at Laurel Another Chance Church is to provide a real and honest approach to the issues that men face today. Every 4th Saturday of the month, men from all across the region collectively gather together for a men's breakfast, where we can eat great food, engage in challenging discussions, and encourage one another to be the men God's called us to be.
Proverbs 31 says that “A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”. We are honored to provide a ministry dedicated to women who are passionate about growing in their relationship with God through fellowship with other women of faith. We provide engaging opportunities like monthly Breakfast Meetings to gather together, break bread, pray, and encourage one another while being grounded in Godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
“She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue” - Proverbs 31:26
Children's Church is available for children ages 5 yrs. old-4th grade. Meets on Sunday at 10 a.m. immediately following worship.
The primary focus of this class is to build relationships with God and each other through bible stories and activities while applying the principles of God's Word to daily life. This program's primary goal is to teach the love of Jesus Christ to each student, challenging them to grow closer to God. Children's Church provides an environment of support and accountability while helping kids to develop their gifts and abilities.
(Kids Lessons are made available under the Connect Tab for family devotion)
Because we understand the pressures young people face today, Laurel Another Chance Church offers teenagers a place to belong and grow at MTS. Specifically designed for 7-12th grade students, MTS meets for Connect Groups every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. With Biblical life coaching, MTS is a great place for teenagers to make friends and grow in their relationship with God.
Worship is the sound of Laurel Another Chance Church. Under the leading our worship team, we give honor to God with our voices as we eagerly await the power of His presence. Each worship service is an exciting celebration of God's faithfulness and our gratitude for the miraculous work of Christ in our lives.
“Discipleship Pathways” at Laurel Another Chance Church is an assimilation plan consisting of 4 classes for new members of our church: Connect, Grow, Serve, and Lead. These “Pathways” classes also provide a way for current members to connect with new members while also connecting with one another.
We want people to connect in three ways:
To Jesus (most importantly)
To one another
To the Vision/Mission of Laurel ACC
Discipleship Pathways Assimilation has 4 components and Graduation:
The Why to serving at Laurel ACC
The How to serve at Laurel ACC
The Holy Spirit
What is Leadership?
Leadership at Laurel ACC
Empowered Leadership
Upon completion of the Discipleship Pathways classes, all Laurel Church members will be empowered and able to effectively serve in the church while helping others through the Pathways.
Laurel Another Chance Church is grateful for opportunities to provide outreaches that serve our diverse community in a variety of ways. It's more than just fulfilling a need, it's about making a friend. We're always looking for opportunities to be there for people no matter where life has left them. We encourage others to join us as we gather the scattered and fainting sheep, bringing them hope, help, and healing.
Phone: (219) 738-1991 | Email: | Address: 9191 Mississippi St.
Merrillville, Indiana 46410